Aquasoft Testing provides managed service solutions and offers a complete and comprehensive range of testing services. Our approach to software testing is based on best testing practices deployed in the product development life cycle.
Aquasoft Consulting provide professionals on a temporary and full-time basis that is tailored towards clients needs and fits within their staffing process with a ‘solution based’ approach. We offer to present the best resources for the requirement through the use of our detailed candidate assessments.
We offer a flexible and scalable range of testing services designed to match your technology applications and business objectives.
Aquasoft Testing enables clients to combine our expert test consultants for strategic work or test management, with resources who can be engaged to execute the testing at the most competitive market rates.
As an organization we constantly adapt our approach for new situations, or to bring fresh insight to a
familiar landscape. Although we employ only very experienced testing consultants, we are committed to continually improving our skills.
Our Testing Services include:
Test Management and strategy services
Testing transformation services
Virtual test team
Testing resources